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Cyber-Rights.Net Forms Alliance with Hush Communications to offer HushMail
Private Label to Internet users.
Leeds, UK & Dublin, Ireland-(November 2000) Cyber-Rights & Cyber -Liberties (UK) have partnered
with Hush Communications to campaign against the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIP)
2000, which came into force in October this year. The Regulation of Investigatory
Powers (RIP) Act outlines the extended reach of the UK government?s law enforcement and security
agencies in regards to the monitoring and interception of communications across the Internet,
and government access to encryption keys. Similar proposals are currently being discussed by the
Council of Europe which would give law enforcement agencies extended powers and capabilities for
Internet monitoring in more than 40 countries.
In an effort to raise public awareness of these important policy issues and to encourage
Internet users to use secure communications, Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties (UK) are launching
the Cyber-Rights.Net project. The project offers Internet users HushMail Private Label, an
encrypted email solution, that employs Hush?s patent-pending Hush Encryption Engine . With
HushMail Private Label, Cyber-Rights.Net will be able to offer its visitors and users end-to-end
secure email through, http://www.cyber-rights.net. HushMail Private Label fully integrates
Hush?s roaming key pair management technology into the Cyber-Rights.Net system enabling its users
to send and receive secure mail from any location with access to the Internet throughout the
Mr. Yaman Akdeniz, Director, Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties (UK) stated:
"Both the Website and project promote privacy of communications and hope to raise awareness for
security on the Internet. In the absence of clearly defined conditions and safeguards protecting
the privacy of communications in homes and in working environments, it is time for the individual
to take action and protect their communications. Cyber-Rights.Net will be an additional tool for
concerned Internet users when securing their communications."
Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties (UK) is dedicated to the promotion of secure and private
communications over the Internet and has been influential in the national and international
policy making process.
Jon Matonis, CEO of Hush Communications said, "We are excited to be a part of the Cyber-Rights &
Cyber-Liberties project. HushMail Private Label will offer Cyber-Rights.Net users the most
secure and user-friendly email solution available on the market today. From everyday Internet
users to legal and medical professionals, Hush protects online communications."
From its inception, Hush Communications has been dedicated to the privacy rights. The company?s
core technology was specifically developed to protect the communications and transactions of
anyone with access to the Internet. While Hush offers a variety of products and services for
sale, its flagship product, HushMail.Com (www.hushmail.com), provides fully encrypted, Web-based
email, free of charge, to the general public. Hush posts its source code for review and download
at www.hush.ai.
About Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties (UK)
Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties (UK) (http://www.cyber-rights.org), is a non-profit organisation
established to protect the interests of all honest, law abiding Internet users with the aim of
promoting free speech and privacy on the Internet. It was founded in 1997 and has been actively
involved with the Internet policy-making process of the UK government, the European Union, Council
of Europe, OECD, and the United Nations.
About Hush Communications Corporation
Hush is the premier provider of encryption products and services in the secure communications
industry. The company?s SDK, Software Developer Kit, allows other Web-based infrastructure
companies and application providers to design product and service offerings that utilise the Hush
Key Server Network. Hush has strategic alliances with Netsmart (www.netsmart.com), NetNation
Communications (www.netnation.com) and Security Portal (www.securityportal.com), and its investors
include OffRoad Capital Corporation (www.offroadcapital.com). Hush Communications is the leading
market share for encryption key management services and has users in every country in the world.
Hush Communications Corporation is a U.S. company with subsidiary companies located in Dublin,
Ireland; Salt Lake City, Utah; and Austin, Texas and is the provider of HushMail.Com, HushMail
Private Label, and HushPOP with worldwide headquarters based in Dublin, Ireland.
Contact Details
Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties (UK)
Mr. Yaman Akdeniz,
Director, Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties (UK)
Url: http://www.cyber-rights.org
E-mail: lawya@cyber-rights.org
Tel: +44 (0)7798 865116
Dr. Louise Ellison,
Deputy Director, Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties (UK)
Tel: +44 (0) 118 9875123 (ext. 7507)
E-mail: lawlee@cyber-rights.org
Hush Communications
Genevieve Van Cleve
Ciara Hudson
22 Upper Pembroke St.
Dublin 2, Ireland
Phone: +353-1-241-0367
Fax: +353-1-241-0370
For more information: About

